Madrid, Spain - Show Day

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The entire crew arrives in Madrid around noon, about 4 hours later than usual. Being that we had a long drive and a long loadout in Barcelona last night. I do put laundry in, as I have nothing else to do. Grab a shower and some McDonald's, as catering can't even do lunch, due to the late arrival. Finally get the stage after 3pm, the PA doesn't get hung until after 7pm. Band was supposed to soundcheck at 6, but we get to it after 8, then off to catering for dinner.

Our set isn't till 10pm, so I watch a few minutes of our opener while tuning and cleaning up. As my back is turned, they stop playing and as I turn the stage right guitar player is gone. Seems he had a seizure of some kind and fell off the front of the stage, breaking his guitar in the process. Paramedics and other personnel arrive and he's taken off, we hear later that he is OK but under observation for a few days. Everyone is releived.

Our set gets pushed up, and again another great Spanish crowd. After the show, I go to production to find all the laundry in one bag, which means you have to sort through someone else's underwear to get your stuff. And it's all wet to boot. I don't mean damp, I mean wet, as in not dried. GREAT!! Also, one of my shirts is missing, it just happens to be a new one, that was not cheap, even better. Take my soon to be mildewed clothes to the bus and get in my bunk. I'm not feeling very social.

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