San Francisco -Fifth Day Off

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Today's show is postponed as well. Go to Mel's Diner on Van Ness with Jim for breakfast. Then meet everyone in the lobby at 11am to go to the trucks, where we are pulling gear from three semi's for one song on TV. Of course all the stuff we need is in the front of each semi, so we spend a couple of hours unpacking and repacking the trucks.

Get back to the hotel around 2:30pm and head across the street to King of Thai (I haven't tried this location, honest) with a couple of the guys. Have lunch and then hit the Walgreen's for supplies. Back to the room for a few before meeting in the lobby to walk to the 4:20 showing of 'The World's Fastest Indian'. As I've said before, I saw this film a few times on the plane to Australia, back in December. I never saw the beginning, plus it was such a great film, I want to see it on the big screen. It does not disappoint and everyone in our group thinks it's great. Back to the hotel for reading and internet time, hope I can sleep tonight.

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    I got tired of writing the same email to everybody asking about life on the road. So here it is, day by day...
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