Christmas Eve in the Emergency Room
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Not a whole lot happening since I got home, have seen some friends, caught up on chores around the house, and oh yeah VISITED THE EMERGENCY ROOM. Since it was nearly 60 degrees here Friday and Saturday I was working on a project in the garage/woodshop. While planing a board with my nifty power planer, I get a wood chip in my left eye (yes, I was wearing safety glasses). I tried to wash it out, but no go. I continued working for another hour, hoping it would work itself out, but it did not. On the way to my in-laws for our annual Christmas Eve dinner and gift exchange we stopped and got an eye wash, as my eye was getting worse. Well, the eye wash didn't do any good (it's only water anyway), so everyone talked me into going to the emergency room, as all the urgent cares were closed.
Got to the emergency room, the triage nurse gave me some numbing drops in my eye, boy do those drops burn for the first few minutes. I then went to the waiting room and waited 2.5 hours to be seen, periodically getting more numbing drops in my eye. Finally made it back to the examining room and eventually the PA (Physician's Assistant) saw me and used an ultraviolet light (black light) to finally find and remove the piece of wood in my eye. Now my eye is red and swollen, but no more wood!!! Also, I didn't have an abrasion on my eye, which is good.
Eventually made it back to the in-laws, ate dinner (around 10:30pm), exchanged gifts, etc. Well, not exactly the best Christmas, but what are you going to do.
PS: Went to the Eye Doctor on Tuesday, everything is good, no damage and I have 20/15 vision still.