Melbourne to RDU -Travel Day(s)

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Get my 3 hours of sleep, and off to Starbuck's with Rockit, our carpenter, before the bus leaves. The rest of the backline guys are MIA and get oil spotted (left at the hotel). They are eventually awakened by numerous phone calls, and cab it to the airport, and even beat me through the line at check-in (bastards). Off to the gate, and the spending of the last of my Australian money in the airport shops.

Board the plane and I'm in the 2nd to last row. Four of our biggest guys are crammed in the last row, luckily the plane isn't too full and two escape to aisle seats elsewhere. I'm lucky enough to have an empty seat next to me. Doze off quickly and sleep for about 4 hours, then watch a movie, and sleep some more. Then finish my book about the time we touch down in LA.

Get through Customs pretty quick, claim my luggage, say a few goodbyes, and I'm off to get my ticket to RDU. Now comes the 2 and a half hour wait till my flight leaves, grab some food and hang out by the gate till boarding time.

My flight to Atlanta is cramped and noisy, I listen to my iPod and sleep. My flight to RDU is more cramped, I try to read/sleep most of the way. Land in Raleigh on time at 7pm. I have now been traveling for about 23 hours. Whew!! Be good to be home for a few weeks, before heading off with another band in January.

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    I got tired of writing the same email to everybody asking about life on the road. So here it is, day by day...
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